Thursday, March 19, 2015

Slay the evil e, down with the icy blue icon!

Slay the evil e, down with the icy blue icon!
By: Morgana Kennedy

In today's fast paced society surfing the web is expected to be effortless and above all FAST, but there is one browser which never seemed to get with the times, Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

After a few rounds of tirelessly trying to load, x-out, re-load, or having a little box tell you the page was not responding most of us took out our mental pitch forks and wanted to kill it.

Rumors have been buzzing about the final demise of Internet Explorer, but it isn't exactly going to die completely. According to an article written by Owen Williams, Microsoft is launching a new browser with Windows 10, but it will still have Internet Explorer on some versions. 

The new browser will be named Project Spartan, and Microsoft claims it will challenge Google Chrome. Call me a cynic, but I'm not so sure about that. 

With so many browser options available, it really doesn't matter if Internet Explorer or its sister browser, Project Spartan, sticks around. We have the freedom to choose. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015


By: Morgana Kennedy

Google has come up with a quick fix for those pesky add-ons that attach themselves to your browser like little cyber leeches, according to an article on Mashable.

If you are a Chrome user you can rest assure that these internet parasites will suck your online surfing blood no more! Or at least alleviate some of the annoyance. A red warning label will pop up when you are about to enter a site with bloatware.

The idea is to help users navigate the web without having unwanted extra's on your screen. It will also pick up on deceptive sites on it's search engine. The deceptive sites will be less likely to show up in your results.

While the Google warning won't stop the ever growing problem of ad spam and unwanted downloads, it does put a band aid on it. At least they're trying right?